Gene-editing is something that seems so far away from where we are today. Incredibly the future is now, and it is presented by the CRISPR technology. Read further to find out how exactly the hundreds of viruses can be treated and prevented by one tiny strand of information.

Gene-editing. When most people think of this word, generally it is related to the image of a couple of futuristic mad scientists with frizzy white hair experimenting on a mutant bunny. Thankfully enough, that is definitely not the truth. Gene editing simply translates to altering DNA sequences and modifying gene function. Though the definition of it still sounds a little sketchy, the applications of gene-editing lie in correcting genetic defects and treating and preventing the spread of diseases. Clearly, it is quite important.
The problem with gene-editing is that it is extremely difficult to do and very expensive. This is where CRISPR comes in. CRISPR is an acronym for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat. This name is due to the unique organization of short, partially palindromic repeated DNA sequences found in the genomes of bacteria and other microorganisms. If a virus were to ever attack a bacterial cell, CRISPR would be able to quickly mitigate the threat by destroying the genome of the virus. Thus, by destroying the viral genome, the CRISPR immune system protects bacteria from ongoing viral infection.
The real game-changing part of CRISPR is how exactly it works so fast and seemingly simply. The CRISPR itself is a segment that can be inserted into the bacterial genome. It compromises of short DNA repeats (black diamonds) and spacers (colored boxes). The best analogy to compare it with would be a database.

Every single one of these spacers contains a stored copy of the genetic material of a specific virus. Every time that specific virus invades the bacterial cell, the spacer that corresponds with that virus is called upon. With the help of the repeats(black diamonds), the spacers produce CRISPR RNAs by the process of transcription and processing the stored data. Of the CRISPR RNAs, one of them finds its way to the viral RNA. These strands then match up perfectly. Upon contact, the RNA of the virus is destructed, in turn mitigating the virus. In this way, working like a database or dictionary, the information that is stored inside the CRISPR immune system is called out when needed. Also working as a database, new information can be inputted. In the case that a new virus is to enter the cell, the CRISPR system simply stores its information inside the database by inserting a new spacer.

The potential that CRISPR provides is truly unbelievable and opens a whole new world of possibilities. CRISPR gives us the opportunity to target the virus right at its root, the RNA, with untold speed, efficiency, and ease. Not only can we treat diseases with the power that this technology holds, but we also can prevent hundreds of them in one go. With CRISPR in play, the future might hold the possibility of humans never again worrying about a disease. Like any good thing, CRISPR definitely has a letdown. One so big that has governments and scientists wondering whether humanity will even be safe with the advance of such a technology. Tune in to next week’s article to discover CRISPRs inhumane, unethical, and unimaginable dark side.